Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Classes in Into the OD&D - Rogue

So I have Clerics that have a very focused set of powers, Wizards with a huge spellbook and magical impliment, Fighters that kill real good and control the battlefield. What's left for Thieves/Rogues?

They always were the forth wheel of D&D classes. You feel like it should be there but do you really need it?

Firstly I'm taking the lesser of two evils and calling the class Rogue to remove the criminal focus. I'm looking at them as the underdog class. The common man that doesn't fancy fighting prowess, magical education or divine blessing.

Anyone with a good DEX score can try and sneak and backstabbing is open to everyone. Same for pickpocketing, lockpicking and climbing walls. The Rogue doesn't have any special abilities that are locked out to the other classes. Instead the Rogue can learn from his allies, as something of an everyman.

More than any other class the Rogue will rely on the player making use of whatever they can to gain an advantage or just survive.

Rogues lack the training and divine blessing of other characters, but are natural survivors and quick learners. They can cheat death as long as they think quickly and can learn a little from each of their allies. 

Second Chance: When the Rogue fails a Save they may attempt a second Save if the player can think of another way to avoid harm. The Referee should be generous in allowing a second save but one of the Ability Scores used in the Save must be different to the first.
Dabbler: Under the guidance of another character a Rogue can achieve certain abilities usually associated with that class. They may only choose one ability to focus on each day and by the next morning any benefits are lost. Examples include:
A Wizard can teach them to use a specific Arcanum as if they were a Wizard for the rest of the day or lead them through casting a spell, holding it if they wish.
A Cleric can lead them in prayer, letting them benefit as if they cast the Prayer themselves, or granting them use of the deity's Holy Symbol for the rest of the day. Breaking the deity's Code renders these abilities useless just as with a Cleric.
A Fighter can teach a Rogue a single Technique to use as many times as they wish or train them to apply their STR Bonus to damage with a single weapon.
The Referee will allow other classes to teach the Rogue a similar limited version of their own ability for the rest of the day. 

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