Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Into the Odd Remastered

WATCH THIS then come back

Into the Odd is reborn. 

The remastered version of the 2014 TTRPG revisits Industrial Bastionland, giving the original Into the Odd a lavish hardback, full-colour restoration with expanded content. 

The book is written by Chris McDowall (Electric Bastionland) with graphic design by Johan Nohr (MÖRK BORG) and will be printed and distributed by Free League Publishing (Tales from the Loop, The One Ring, Forbidden Lands).

More details to be revealed over the next few weeks.

FOLLOW on Kickstarter

Launching 21st September 2021


  1. I really don't like this artpunk style (and Mörk Borg is one of the ugliest and most unreadable RPGs I have, in my opinion), but at least it looks like the text will be clear and well separated from the graphics.

    Will this remastered version have significant new content?

    1. The KS page (when it's unveiled) goes into a bit more detail of the extra content, but it's essentially:

      - Extra content in the sample adventure (2 new dungeon levels, a few mini dungeons in the Fallen Marsh, and again some little tweaks here and there)
      - New Arcana, and tweaking of a lot of the existing ones that I felt could be better
      - Additional random tables in the Oddpendium, some of which I think was originally released as a PDF back around ITO's launch
      - Obviously entirely new graphics and layout
      - Some polishing of things that were unclear in the previous edition

    2. And although I love MORK BORG, that visual style isn't really what we wanted to do here, so the text and art are firmly separated. Compared to Original ITO the layout is a bit more spacious, prioritising readability over my obsession with fitting everything on a single page.

    3. Thank you for that. Mork Borg is beautiful, but I prefer something more readable. Really excited about this!

    4. Cool. Thanks for the reply.

  2. YES



    I've had this on PDF since its original release and I've played more games with it then any other system (albeit all of those were one shots or close but still!)
    I am very excited

  3. Looking forward to you taking a deep dive into your decisions about what to remaster, what to keep the same, and what to port over from Electric Bastionland.

  4. I LOVE this new art and especially the colors for the cover! That orange and teal is remarkable. Can't wait to splash out on this Kickstarter! :)

  5. Cool stuff. Is there a release timeline (even if vague)? Or is that to be decided by the kickstarter?

    1. This will be detailed in the KS when it launches, but the current aim is PDFs in January 2022 and Print in April 2022.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Will the GM advice/procedures added in Electric Bastionland be in this new edition or the is text going to be 95-99% the same as the older edition? That stuff on EB is pure gold.

    1. I wanted to avoid just porting everything back in from EB, so the guidance is the same as what was originally in ITO. Definitely look at it as a remaster rather than a rebuild.

  8. They grow up so fast! Almost brings a tear to my eye seeing this darling game go on to get the big screen treatment.

  9. Chris, you should consider being hired as an audiobook narrator as a side job!
    Anyway, can't wait to have this <3

  10. I'm excited to see the new book when I get it. Are there plans to update or republish the one page RPG version of Into the Odd as well?

    1. Definitely something I'd like to do once the book itself is sorted.

  11. Chris,

    Sadly, I missed the Kickstarter, but I'd love to purchase the book when it's available. Is there any mechanism to do this yet or is that a ways out?

    The book looks gorgeous, and I'd love to upgrade to my original copy.


    1. Sure, you can still pre-order here:

  12. Any chance there will be late backing options? I missed the main campaign and would love to get in on the action.

  13. Disregard my last message, I found the preorder link in another comment thread!

  14. Hi Chris! I love the look of this book - but how on earth do I get a copy? It looks so inspiring and I really want to own it...!

    1. Kickstarter copies are still being sent out, but once that's done then it'll go up for general purchase here:
