How does hospitality work in Mythic Bastionland?
The Company encounter an Omen of the Pack, describing a
shepherd having lost his flock. The Knights do their best to help, but the
Shepherd is heartbroken.
Moss: Wait, where does this shepherd live? We’re nowhere
near a Holding or Dwelling.
Ref: Do you want to ask him?
Moss: Yeah, okay.
Ref: He gestures in the direction of his home, a simple hut
hidden away within this Hex. He also has a second hut in the neighbouring Hex,
where he sometimes moves his flock.
Tal: We should rest up here before we start our journey back
to the Seat of Power.
Ref: Yeah, proper hospitality restores your VIG, remember?
You’ve both got some wounds that would benefit from it.
Moss: Okay, I ask the shepherd if he can provide a warm
place to sleep for tonight.
Ref: I mean he’s despairing about his flock being torn apart
by his own dogs, so I wouldn’t expect too much of a warm welcome. He offers you
a place for the night, as is the custom, but you get the sense he’d rather you
weren’t there.
Ref pauses for a moment.
Ref: Actually, one of you can give me a SPI Save to see what
his response is like.
Tal rolls an 18, failing the Save.
Ref: Yeah, he takes you in and cooks you some food, rolls
out some simple, bedding, but the conversation is clearly focused on when
you’re both going to leave tomorrow.
Moss: Rude.
Tal: I mean I guess he’s got bigger problems to deal with
right now. Okay, let’s work out what we’re doing the next morning.
Ref: Sure, and you can both restore VIG.
Knights can expect hospitality from most of the people they
encounter on their travels, but this can still create some interesting
conflicts. Commonly these are based around how much the Company are willing to
upset their host by outstaying their welcome, or whether the host is bold
enough to ask for something in return.
This section of play starts with a good example of how the
Realm can be moulded by both the actions of the Knights and the Myths as they
unfold. In an area with no mention of inhabitants, a Myth describes a shepherd.
This suggests that the shepherd must have a dwelling nearby, even if it was not
previously noted on the map, and so it becomes reality.
I’d encourage Ref to note this down on the map as a new
Of course, if the Company were in a Hex utterly unsuitable
for a shepherd to live in, then the Referee might find a reason for them to be
so far from home. Perhaps they’re in the middle of a long journey or
Ref also indulges in asking for a Spirit Save to gauge the
shepherd’s reaction to the Knights’ request for hospitality. This feels like a
very low stakes roll, as even with a failure the shepherd allows the knights to
Normally I look to the mantra of “no risk, no roll” but I still think there’s a place for Saves like this in the quieter moments of play. For example, if Tal had passed the Save then perhaps the shepherd might encourage them to stay even longer, becoming reliant upon the Knights for a feeling of security after their ordeal.
This post was originally sent as a reward to all Patreon supporters, and is released freely on this site the week after its original publication.
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Concerning the risk free roll: it feels similar to the fortune roll in blades in the dark: the stakes are low, but things could go either way so instead of making a call you let the dice decide, using a stat to frame the player's "action". I find it useful to resolve minor dilemmas in a fair way.