The PCs roll into town and somehow annoy someone with minutes. Roll to see who.
Written with Into the Odd in mind.
1d6 Roll
1: Yurg the Large (STR 16, DEX 7, WIL 9, 8hp, Armour 1, 15s, Fights unarmed for 1d6+1 damage): This guy just wants to punch you in front of everyone. Even the guards won't step in to stop him once he's pounding.
2: Furnum the Flash (STR 8, DEX 13, WIL 8, 10hp, Armour 1, heavy mace, light armour, 30s): This guy would rather embarrass you with some sharp put downs. He's needy enough that he'll make it his business to be wherever you go, ready to put you down.
3: Hurlett the Vague (STR 7, DEX 10, WIL 7, 3hp, dagger, 1s): Seems to be a completely mad woman. Takes issue with one of the party and shouts at them, throws rocks and generally causes a scene.
4: Rela the Cat (STR 10, DEX 14, WIL 10, 7hp, club, 18gp): Her and her two fellow footpads have targeted one of the group. As soon as the target is alone they'll strike.
5: Old Marl (STR 11, DEX 9, WIL 14, crossbow, 13hp, 5gp): He doesn't like wandering adventurers, even though he used to be one! He'll try to turn everyone against the party rather than directly confronting them.
6: Nyal the White (STR 14, DEX 13, WIL 13, 11hp, Armour 2, light armour, heavy axe, shield, 40gp): Far too eager to jump to the defence of someone you've mildly inconvenienced. Will immediately try to fight you out of town. Everyone else tries to ignore him.
I like this, some people forgot not all antagonists are out to kill you.