Thursday, 14 April 2011

The Big Bug Hunt

The Big Bug Hunt
A Big Action Heroes Scenario

Want to try out Big Action Heroes but running low on planning time? Just show up to the table with this and let random tables plan out a bug hunt for your space-victims!

The Group may be hardened marines, tough survivors or greedy mercenaries, but either way they're on an alien-infested ship and have an objective to fulfil. What objective you say? Roll.

1: Find and kill the Queen. She will be in the [3d6]th room the group enters and has the stats of a Hulk, but her Scream is upgraded to a 1d6+1 attack and she will be protected by 4 Clawbugs. When this is done return to your point of entry without getting killed.
2: Incinerate the Nest. The first batch of Alien Eggs you find will in fact be a huge nest. One of the players gets a Flamethrower for free (see the gear index) and must use it to torch the eggs. When this has happened return to the point of entry without dying, but any groups of aliens you meet on the way will have an extra 1d6 Clawbugs.
3: Survive. If the group can survive encounters with 2d6 groups of aliens help will arrive to rescue them.
4: Escape. Get to the exit. This will be in the [3d6]th room the group enter.
5: Clean Out. When the group has killed 6d6 Aliens the ship infestation has been cleared.
6: Self Destruct. When the group finds a Control Room they may trigger the ship's self-destruct sequence. As long as they can get back to their point of entry in time they will escape the ship, leaving the aliens to a fiery death.

Want to give the group a better chance? Give them some Mechanised Armour (see Gear Index) for an added level of power. To compensate for this have every alien encounter contain an extra 1d6 Clawbugs.

Every time the group passes through a door roll to see what the room is, its description and how many exits it has. When entering a room roll 1d6. If this is a 1 roll up a bug encounter, if it is a 6 roll up a non-hostile encounter.

Aliens are sneaky and won't be just waiting around for the group to find them. Roll a die occasionally when the group are exploring. On a 1 roll up a Bug encounter immediately to pounce upon them.

1: Junction.
2: Vehicle Bay.
3: Lab.
4: Living Quarters.
5: Control Room.
6: Corridor.

1: Pitch Black
2: Slimed
3: Functional
4: Ravaged
5: Smoking
6: Untouched

1: Dead End.
2: 1 Blocked.
3: 1 Free.
4: 1 Free, 1 Blocked.
5: 2 Free.
6: 2 Free, 1 Blocked.

1: Crippled Survivor.
2: Sane and Armed Survivor.
3: Alien Eggs.
4: Corpse Pile.
5: Mad Survivor.
6: Dead Spitter.

1: 6 Clawbugs
2: 1 Stalker
3: 3 Clawbugs, 1 Spitter
4: 3 Spitters
5: 1 Wounded Clawbug
6: 1 Hulk

Alien Clawbug
Stress Limit: 2
Feat Dice: Athletics 4, Other 2
Class Actions
Scurry: Move a short distance. You have 1 defence.
Pounce: Move a short distance and make a 1d6 melee attack.
Shred: Make three 1d6 melee attacks.
Bonus Powers
Death Splat: If you are killed in melee your killer takes 1 Stress.

Alien Spitter
Stress Limit: 5
Feat Dice: Athletics 3, Bulk 3, Other 1
Class Actions
Scurry: Move a short distance. You have 1 defence.
Spit: Make two 1d6 short ranged attacks against a single target. Alternatively, one of these attacks can be used to dissolve a piece of cover.
Spray: Make three 1d6 ranged attacks at one target within close range. Alternatively, one of these attacks can be used to dissolve a piece of cover.
Bonus Powers
Death Splat: If you are killed in melee your killer takes 2 Stress.

Alien Stalker
Stress Limit: 10
Feat Dice: Stealth 8, Athletics 6, Other 1
Class Actions
Stalk: Move a short distance. You have 3 defence.
Hunt: Move a short distance and make a 2d6 melee attack. Make this a 3d6 melee attack if you Stalked on your last round.
Bonus Powers
Death Splat: If you are killed in melee your killer takes 1 Stress.

Alien Hulk
Stress Limit: 20
Gear: Armour Plating
Feat Dice: Brawn 8, Athletics 4, Other 1
Class Actions
Slam: Move a short distance and make a 2d6 melee attack.
Scythe: Make three 2d6 melee attacks.
Scream: Make 1d6-1 Ranged attacks against all enemies in Short Range, ignoring Defence.
Bonus Powers
Death Splat: If you are killed in melee your killer takes 1d6 Stress.

Armour Plating (Armour)Add a bonus of 2 to your defence against all attacks and ignore any attacks that would cause less than 2 Stress.